
Present tense formula

A tense expressing an action that is currently going on or habitually performed, or a state that currently or generally exists.

Top verbs
Present tense formula
Preterite tense formula

Preterite tense formula

In Spanish, the preterite (pretérito perfecto simple, or pretérito indefinido) is a verb tense that indicates that an action taken once in the past was completed at a specific point in time in the past

Top verbs

Imperfect tense formula

imperfect is a verb form which combines past tense and imperfective aspect. It can have meanings similar to the English “was walking” or “used to walk.” It contrasts with preterite forms, which refer to a single completed event in the past.

Top verbs
Imperfect tense formula
Perfect tense formula

Perfect tense formula

In Spanish the perfect tense is used to indicate what you have done

Conditional tense formula

use the conditional tense whenever we want to say that we “would” do something

Conditional tense formula
Future tense formula

Future tense formula

future tense allows us to talk about what we “will” do